The firm
Madagascar Development Partners LLC (MDP) is a Delaware-registered venture capital /private equity company whose main objective is to provide equity funding to new ventures and unquoted companies operating in Madagascar and in the Indian Ocean.
Associated investment vehicles include Madagascar Estates Development Partners SA (MEDP) in real estate and resort development, Madagascar Mining Development Partners SA (MMDP) in mining and energy resources, Madagascar Capital Development Partners SA (MCDP) in financial services and Madagascar Services Development Partners SA (MSDP) in consumer services.
MDP is the investment adviser to Indian Ocean Development Partners Ltd (IODP), an asset management company incorporated in Mauritius.
IODP focuses on investment opportunities in the islands (Madagascar, Comoros, Mauritius) and the Eastern Africa Rim countries (Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique).
MDP is a member of the American Chamber Of Commerce (AmCham) and the French-Madagascar Business Council (CCIFM) as well as the Africa Venture Capital Association (AVCA), the Emerging Markets Private Equity Association (EMPEA) and the Association Malgache des Investisseurs en Capital (AMIC).
Its main banker is Bank of Africa (BOA) and its auditors are CGA and Mazars.