Our philosophy
Though MDP’s objectives are clearly of financial nature, the company’s philosophy is to contribute proactively to the sustainable development of Madagascar and other regional economies by creating a bridge of intellectual and financial capital between OECD investors and local opportunities as well as job opportunities, welfare and ultimately wealth for the local community.
The Investment Process
MDP follows a very strict and systematic process, based on due diligence and detailed audit, before taking any investment decision. Most important is the perceived ability of the management and the teams to deliver the results in a sustainable manner.
The Investment Style
MDP follows an active and disciplined investment style. MDP will typically sits on the Board of Directors of each investment in order to work closely with the management teams to create value and deliver the expected quantitative returns and qualitative (ESG) outcomes.
While respecting the companies’ and managements’ independence, MDP can therefore fully leverage its skills in various areas (strategy, growth management, finance/acquisitions,…) and be directly involved in the decision making process. Risk management is an important dimension of every investment decision as any mistake will directly impact the overall performance of the portfolio.
MDP follows a cautious approach by acting on a very selective shortlist of opportunities, carrying out stress analysis of the portfolio and sticking to prudential limits in terms of investments life cycle and exposure to specific sectors.